Today, I want to discuss a concept that might change how you approach your art. We'll talk about the importance of stepping back, taking a break, and letting your work breathe.

Trust me, it sounds simple and obvious, but it’s a game-changer and here's why...
Picture this: You’re knee-deep in your art project, be it painting, sculpting, or whatever creative thing you’re into. You’re putting your heart and soul into every detail, so much so that hours fly by like minutes, you forget to eat (please, don't do that... even if I'm guilty of this), and you're fully submerged into whatever you're doing.
That, right here, is what being an artist is like, and it's intense and beautiful. But here’s a little secret – sometimes, the best thing you can do for your art (and yourself!) is to step away for a bit.
Think of it like taking a deep breath after a long run. You’ve been up close and personal with your work for so long that everything blurs together, and you're starting to feel dizzy.
Obviously, you're exhausted and out of breath; you only need to recharge.
Also, remember that walking away from your art is not quitting; we'll call this smart pausing.
When you give your brain a break and then return to it, it will feel like seeing your work for the first time. Colours will pop differently, and you might spot things you didn’t see before.
On a personal note, I usually stop creating when doubt casts a shadow on my work's beauty. It may not be a mindset into which you fall, but for me, there's always this moment (after many hours of looking at the same thing) where I'm so invested in my creative project that I start noticing all the flaws, and I start doubting the beauty of it and even the point of it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's healthy. I should probably stop creating much sooner, but it is still a good indicator because those intense feelings push me to stand up and walk away from whatever I'm doing because if I don't, I start to dwell and doubt every life choice I've ever made... #NotGood
Again, it's clearly not the healthiest way to go about it, but keep following this train of thought. XD
It's also important to mention that every creation requires a different amount of time off, whether a day, a week, a month or even, in some rare cases... a year.
But, when I return to it, I notice elements I couldn't see before and regain that boost of creativity and desire for that specific project. Most of my best work was created this way.
So, if you're like me... very impatient and always wishing you could be one of those artists who can whip up a viral-worthy creation in a minute, allowing your work to breathe can sometimes feel like torture. Still, I cannot stress enough the value of adopting this work mindset.
We all know how rewarding making art is. I'm sure we all wish we could fill out days and nights with constant creation, but let’s be real – it can be draining, too, and it's not because you are doing something you love that you can't acknowledge the emotional and physical toll it has on you.
They said all good things come in moderation, and it's even more important when moderating something you love, as you probably don't want to be moderated at all.
Taking a break isn’t just good for your art; it’s essential for you. It’s like giving yourself a mini-vacation from the intensity of creation. Go for a walk, grab a coffee with a friend, or chill and watch a movie. The point is to step away and come back refreshed.
Plus... 2024 is the year of self-care. Let this be your gentle reminder from the universe. ;)
Anyway... here’s the cool part – this isn’t just about improving your art (though it definitely helps). It’s about enjoying the process. Art isn’t just about the final piece hanging on a wall or sitting in a gallery. It’s about the journey, the ups and downs, the twists and turns. And just like any good journey, sometimes you must stop and enjoy the view.
So, the next time you’re deep into your creative zone and feeling stuck or overwhelmed, remember it’s totally okay, and it happens to all of us. In those moments, take a deep breath and walk away. Your art will still be there when you return, and you’ll both be better and surprised at how things shift and shine in new ways.